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Our Supporters

Type 1 Diabetes Family Centre Visionaries

At the Family Centre, we are fortunate to be supported by individuals with wisdom, experience, and dedication. Some of these people have an extraordinary ability to drive progress and change. Their view of a better future is combined with a practical sense of how it can be achieved, and they have the persistence to make it happen. They are our Family Centre Visionaries, a title that we award to acknowledge their remarkable contribution and impact. It is our highest level of recognition.

Bec Johnson, Founding CEO


Bec believes that there are no limits on life with type 1 diabetes. She has swum solo across the 19.7 kilometre Rottnest Channel four times, sailed across the Atlantic, and become a SCUBA dive guide to prove people with type 1 can life without limits! 


Diagnosed with type 1 in 2001, Bec is passionate about helping people with diabetes. She was the winner of the 2020 Business News 40 under 40 People's Choice and HBF Community/Non-Profit/Social Enterprise Awards. Bec holds qualifications in Law and Arts (UWA), a Masters in Public Health (USyd), and a Diploma of Business (Governance).


Bec was the Family Centre's founding CEO. Her commitment and dedication to the Family Centre has helped make it what it is today. 


Mr Rick Malone

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Rick’s impact on the Family Centre has been profound. Involved from the outset, Rick was compelled to ensure that the Family Centre felt less like a clinic, and more like home. His conviction that people enduring challenging medical conditions need care and support is embodied in the design of the building. This vision was instrumental in creating the warm, welcoming Family Centre that we see today.


Rick’s influence didn’t stop there. Over the last decade, the Family Centre has benefitted from his leadership, expertise, generosity, and wisdom. An accomplished lawyer, Rick’s advocacy work achieved significant systemic changes for the type 1 community, including providing students with type 1 diabetes with extra time during ATAR exams with which to manage their condition. 

Jeff Newman OAM , Founding Chair

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Jeff’s leadership, dedication and generosity have enabled the Family Centre to establish its unique and effective model of diabetes care – the first service of its kind in Australia.


During his time as our Chair, Jeff made a profound impact.


He leaves a lasting legacy: a thriving community of hundreds of families who are connected, supported and inspired by the Family Centre. 

Honorary Life Membership

Mr Robert Towner


Rob’s impact on the Family Centre is nothing short of extraordinary. For nearly a decade, he has displayed unwavering dedication and exceptional commitment to our organisation, despite having no personal connection to type 1 diabetes. During this time, he served on the Board, including a term as Chair, offering loyalty and support during a period of significant growth and change.


Not only has Rob personally supported our mission, he has also inspired others to do the same. His ability to connect with individuals and organisations from a diverse range of industries has been remarkable. His willingness to leverage these connections for the benefit of the Family Centre has been invaluable, helping us create important, enduring relationships.


One of Rob’s most significant contributions is the Flametree Wines Luncheon, an event he introduced to our organisation.


We are deeply grateful for his remarkable dedication and extend our heartfelt
thanks for his outstanding contributions. In recognition of his impact, we are honoured to bestow upon him the title of our inaugural Honorary Life Member.

Founding Sponsors

Major donors

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The Type 1 Diabetes Family Centre is grateful to have received generous financial support from the following individuals and organisations, who have made cumulative gifts of $10,000 and above over the last financial year. 

Coogee Chemicals

Flametree Wines

Galati Group

Hind's Transport Service Pty Ltd

HLB Mann Judd

Jeff Ash

Jenzen Family Trust

North Perth Community Financial Services

WA Charity Direct

We also extend our heartfelt thanks to our volunteers and community fundraisers - without you, our work would not be possible.

We are committed to expanding our reach so that we can support more people who are impacted by type 1 diabetes. To find out more about how you can make a difference with us please contact Dianne Symons, Communications & Partnerships Manager 08 9446 6446.

Type 1 Diabetes Family Centre

11 Limosa Close, Stirling WA 6021
t +61 (8) 9446 6446 f +61 (8) 9463 1446

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